Biggest (Dutch) Early Ford Collection, No Longer...

Sad News... Last Thursday 1-12-2016
Biggest Early Ford Collection / Museum
Den Hartogh, Hillegom, The Netherlands.
Closed For Ever... A shame to see this go!

It was a Cool & Interesting Collection, About 214 Cars...
Mostly Early Ford but also Some Lincoln.
They Even Had a 1930 Ford Truck that Belonged to Al Capone!
Nobody Know's Where These Cars Will be Going..

Credit / Pics to My Bud Erwin Planting


  1. Hey Skip, Bud did you solid with these pictures, tell him I said great eye with the lens work here. As for where this collection is going, I wonder if it's going to another museum somewhere, or to a private collection or to the auction block. Barrett Jackson? By the way, not far from where I live in the town of Norwich there's a museum filled with classics and old antiques. I love going there and checking out the changing displays. You think you'd like some pictures I could contribute to your great blog?

  2. Sure you can mate, will be more then happy to post!!!
