Some Stripes on the '27

For a while I was thinking what to ad on my roadster.
Didnt want scallops, flames nor a logo but
wanted to make the side look a pit more exiting.
As the original pintstriping was done about 15 years ago by my buddy Sven "El Cheapo", I wanted to preserve that style...
Happy with the subtile stripes Frank did last monday, Thanks IncaStienen!


  1. Simple pin stripping can do a lot to snap up any vehicle, and yours looks great. Nice job Frank. Very nice. Question Skip. Did you use a primer paint finish that was then shot with a satin clear? And, I see you have fenders covering the rear wheels, and maybe the fronts. Is this because it is the law where you are to do so, or is this something you just wanted to do?

  2. Less is more is what I thought on the stripes here J ;-) About the paint job, I didnt paint it, its done by a previous owner about 14 years ago, think its only flat clear or satin here. Indeed I have added front and rear fenders... I like fenderless more, but indeed here thats forbidden, so I went for safe 😉
