Tearing down a Roadster


Last wednesday, after getting it registrated on tuesday.
We desided to help out our Jesters CC Buddy Plant...
tearing down his Ford Roadster and getting it ready for (re)built into a more 50's style Hotrod. Stoked about this built!
Heads up Plant! You're almost there 😊🤘

1940's Ford Chopped Kustom

I believe this is a 46 or 47 Ford Coupe . Liking the early Kustom Mods such as this era paintjob🤘

Skippic Saturday - Hanzl's Rod


Picture taken some years ago, my bud Hanzl building his Hotrod pickup. Unfortunately this... probably nicest built I've ever seen! Never got approved and wind up sold to panama 😢

1948 Chevy COE

1948 Chevrolet COE (Cab Over Engine) Truck
Bagged, LS Powered V8 Fuel Injected